Sep 29, 2015


this girl is a beauty.
coffee time with her is always golden.
love her boldness and her love for Christ. 
and of course, your elephant bag rocks.
you inspire me. 



Sep 23, 2015

928 Sunset

the sun entered our flat perfectly as i walked into my room. my roommate was also perfectly tucked in her bed... so, i had to pull out my camera to remember this everyday beauty that i take it for granted. 

i could say so many wonderful things about Lindsey, my roommate. she has a motherly heart that pours out so much care and love for people around her. i have been battling with flu for about a week now and Lindsey and my flatmmates, Kira and Paula, have been battling it with me. they have taken such sweet care of me... no wonder my flue doesn't want to leave me ;-)
if you are healthy... be sure to love life so much for me! 

recently, i've been fallin' in love for James Bay. 
his voice is so lovable.

ok, ttyl.

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