Jan 10, 2015

Saturday Morning

Saturdays are super. I don't know why but I get super motivated on Saturdays. I checked off 4 out of 6 things that I wanted to do today. One of those two things that I didn't do was to learn my midi controller. Recently, I purchased a midi controller that has 49 keys and different cool buttons around it. But- I don't know why my fingers aren't as excited as my heart. I'm just waiting for my fingers to get excited... I guess.

I have been listening to Ed's song "thinking out loud" on repeat. It's ridiculous how many times I've listen to it. Also, I bought Years and Years' and River Valley Church's newest album. Those two albums are incredible. 

Currently, I don't know why but I'm listening to every versions of the song "love fool" while eating bacon donut at... 11pm. Whoever is following me on Spotify probably thinks that I left my computer ... nope. I'm still here.


Jan 7, 2015

with ABM

I don't think I really need to explain who they are. It was a fun shoot with Elsie and Emma from A Beautiful Mess. Their creativity and hard working spirits blow my mind. I think a lot of us can agree that their blog is a huge inspiration to many of us!

Excited to see how A Beautiful Mess will color the world this year!
It was lovely meeting you ladies.

Jan 6, 2015

Créme Co.

One Monday afternoon, Danielle and I shared our hearts about wanting to financially support non-profit organizations and individuals, and
Créme Co. was created 2 weeks after.  
It was really simple and quick like that. When our hearts joined together, creativity came along the way. We would have nights where we would be making jewelries for 10 hours straight and eat up entire bag of chips and salsa and multiple cups of coffee. We have a lot of fun fo- show. 

We are thankful to have started something that we both love and to support people who mean a lot in our lives. 
So far- we have received so many love and support from people. We are hoping and praying that one day Créme Co. can ABUNDANTLY financially support many organizations and individuals who are giving hope and light to people around the world. 

That is our prayer and our heart. 

Best is yet to come, Créme Co.

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